Sunday 17 April 2016


This week we have been looking at ADJECTIVES. Adjectives are words that describe a noun. For example The man wore a black hat.

Patrick asked us to look at a picture and think of all of the adjectives that we could think of.

Here's the picture:

And here are all of the different adjectives that we thought of.

From that poster, Patrick started to circle certain words in an orange texta. It was up to us to find out why he was doing that. We found that the adjectives that we was circling were one that described how the pizza TASTED.

Then Patrick asked us to circle different types of adjectives and we discovered that adjectives can describe all sort of things. They can describe these types of things...

The next day Patrick got asked us to cut out all of our pizza adjectives and place them in the right adjective column.

It was a great activity and it will really help us with making our narrative writing more descriptive and exciting!

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