Thursday 8 September 2016


For Maths we have been investigating probability. We have been working so hard and are almost ready to move to the next Maths focus. But before we could move on Helen and Patrick thought it would be a good idea to let us have a bit of fun. So they created Probability Pokemon Go.

The rules are easy. Some of the class are Pokemon. Some of the class are Pokemon trainers. The trainers have to catch the Pokemon by chasing and tagging them. When the Pokemon is caught, they hand a coloured block to the trainer. When there are no more coloured blocks left the Pokemon is out. See, easy.

Before we played the game Patrick let us watch the Pokemon T.V. opening... to get us in the mood.

After that it was time to transform into our Pokemon and Pokemon trainers.

Once the game was over, Patrick revealed that the red blocks were the rare ones and were worth 10 points. After we counted the points, we discussed the probability of getting a rare red block when compared to the other blocks. We had to come up with a few probability statements from the results of our game.

It was a fun lesson AND we secretly learnt things as well. POKEMON RULE!

It was a fun lesson AND we secretly learnt things as well. POKEMON RULE!

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