Sunday 1 May 2016


For Inquiry, we have been looking at the forces of push and pull. This week we looked at the force of GRAVITY. Patrick took us on a mission into outer space to investigate the invisible force that is gravity.

Before we could venture into outer space, we had to become 'young astronauts.' We had to design our NASA logo and once finished Patrick attached the logo to our uniform, and we became a part of NASA.

(The crew of Apollo 2/3P... unfortunately we didn't make it to the Moon)

Then we travelled to the I.S.S (International Space Station) to investigate a life without gravity. Patrick showed us a lot of video clips of the astronauts living inside the I.S.S. When watching the
video clips, we discussed what gravity did to us on Earth and how it is important.

Once we had a good understanding of what gravity was, Patrick asked us to draw what the classroom would look like if Earth didn't have gravity. Here are our pictures.

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